- Publication from “Stories from 2050: Radical forward-looking imagery of sustainability opportunities and challenges ahead”
The overall objective of the project is to support the implementation and further development of the ‘European Green Deal’ in order to achieve the ‘Clean Planet 2050’ vision. ‘Stories from 2050’ aims to bring new narratives, out of the box thinking and controversial/ contrasting visions into the policy debate on sustainability and the interconnection with science, technology and innovation. Client: DG RTD Project website.
- Expectations and assumptions for the future in the Work Pro-gramme 2021-2022 of Horizon Europe
Client: DG-RTD Further reading…
- Support for early preparation and analysis for the project Cross-Systems Analysis in WP1.2 in the STPR AP 2022
Client: EEA
- The gift that keeps giving: upcycled foods and food into energy
Client: EEA Project: Reimagining the Food System: scanning the horizon for emerging social innovations
- Menu for change: Restaurants tap into growing appetite for sustainability
Client: EEA Project: Reimagining the Food System: scanning the horizon for emerging social innovations