Development and enrichment of key factors descriptions for the NRC FLIS project

This FOD-project has been carried out to support European Environment Agency in the project NRC on Forward-looking information and services (FLIS).

NRC FLIS provides a knowledge, skills and methodological experience on futures analysis and  foresight studies  to support policy making in addressing complex and long term challenges. Main objective of NRC FLIS work is to contribute to

  • the collection of knowledge and information for forward-looking integrated environmental assessments and SOER, to provide for better systemic understanding on transition for living well within the limits of our planet, mostly addressing interlinkages with global context, improved understanding of more certain and uncertain forces which are driving future change, interlinkages between environment and society.
  • improved use of forward-looking assessments in policymaking and in the state of the environment reporting and
  • exchange knowledge and practices about foresight methods and increase awareness about the practical use and communication  of forward-looking assessments and analysis.

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